Sunday, November 20, 2011

Miss Lux working for Barney Cheng

I know I have nit updated for perhaps 25 years now!

Thats purely because I have a job now! And I got the most unbelievable job- Barney Cheng's admin assistant! Barney is Forbe's Top 25 most influential chinese designer, Michael Kors named him the Versace of Asia! This job is incredibly unreal! First, as inexperience as I am, being in the top fashion designer in Asia's gallery is insane!

To the main point, in first week of work, I have already got the opportunity to be the "official stylist" at the Macau's Glam Slam fashion show! I have also got the chance to help my boss with some reality tv show shoot. Work is tough but exciting everyday. Hope I wot be fired soon!!

Will update more soon!
