Sunday, December 12, 2010

My First Fashion Show with Chupa Chups

With my awesome star make up teacher Gary Chung, my fashion class got the opportunity to conduct a fashion show with Chupa Chups(Sucker, Candy)! We had about 2 months notice for this show to make 2 dress per group, and we made the dresses within a weekend. While being overwhelmed by stress and exams, we still manage to throw on a good show today at I square Hong Kong! Lets look at some pictures!

 The poster of this fashion show

 With my model Marina V, and 1 of our outfits

 Downstairs with models being shot by reporters and paparazzi

 My teacher, Gary Chung, which made everything possible!

 My model 2, Marie Zhuge, she is drop dead beautiful, with our princess inspired dress
Made with real crystal and real ostrich feather
 Me with Marie x
 Sophia, Sauling and I being interviewed by the Eastern Daily Newspaper
 back stage = hell
Marina is so adorable, she told me Hong Kong people love big boobs, so she gotta push em push em! Love her adorable Russian gal!

   Found a during show picture on stage!! My dress on the right =) i MADE THOSE BEAUTIFUL SHOES!

(Left) Got invited by teacher as the Class representative to talk about our feelings on stage=)
HM Gold tube dress, HM ribbon belt, Cotton On boots

All the looks, they were all unique and wonderful, besides like 2-3 outfits honestly hahah

Since i was backstage or on stage the whole time, i couldn't really take much of the show's picture, but once i receive them, i will upload!

My group: Siu Siu, Sauling, Michelle C, Michelle L, and Me

Awesome experience, so much work but i will def want to do this again!
Thanks to my awesome group members, cheung sauling, michelle cheung, michelle law, and sophia siu
